Mirus Restaurant Solutions
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All Your Data, All One Price

Mirus Unlimited

With Mirus Unlimited You Get:

  • Unlimited Data Sources
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Reports
  • Unlimited Dashboards
  • Unlimited Alerts
  • Unlimited Access
All Your data (500 × 375 px)

At Mirus our goal is to help multi-unit restaurant executives access and utilize their data to make informed decisions to move their business forward. We understand the power of combining data sets and don't want additional fees to get in the way of completing your data warehouse, so we got rid of them. The only thing that changes your monthly fee is how many restaurants you open.

We want you to have it all. All your data, all in one place, all for one price. Fully automate data feeds, including information stored in spreadsheets.

With Mirus there are no limits on what you can achieve with your data. 

Initial POS Implementation Fee

We start with the Initial POS Implementation which includes the creation of a custom data warehouse with one POS system.

$8,500  Prime POS (Aloha, Micros, POSitouch, Xpient, Brink, Toast)

$11,000  Other POS

Integration Fees

To add systems into your data warehouse there is a small, one time integration fee to get the data flowing properly. These fees range in price depending on the system and type of data source.

$4,500             Additional Prime POS

$8,500             Additional Other POS

$650-$2,500   Other Source Systems 

Monthly Fee - $95 per unit

The Mirus Enterprise Unlimited monthly fee includes an unlimited number of data sources in your custom built data warehouse and the ability for an unlimited number of users to create a limitless amount of custom reports, dashboards and alerts.

The monthly fee is $95 per unit per month. 

There is a minimum fee for companies with less than 20 units.  

Unit volume discounts are available beginning at 100 units.

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